1. Brief

Task: Semester assignment at Noroff

Team: 2

Difficulty: 4/5

Grade: A

People waste way too much water on a daily basis. Our task was to find reasons for that, find ways of educating people about the topic, and help them to be more eco friendly.

We were a team of 2 students and we got my former colleague to help us with bits of work. We split roles 50/50 where it was possible and my partner agreed on me leading the whole process. I was responsible for recruiting people and public communications. Moreover, I took a lead in research process, since my background helped to make it fast, easy, and efficient.

2. Challenge

Both of us had full-time jobs and needed to act smart in regards to free time. We had to cooperate and find solutions how to work together. Moreover, we had to deal with other people and take into account their availability.

Since we knew about the challenges we had to face, we were able to prepare for them and book the dates to work together in advance. Our main communication was through Discord.

3. Process

We were able to perform a deep research on the topic as well as to conduct a survey with 157 participants. After a data analysis we were able to identify 5 recommendations to solve our main problem.

We learned our users. We understood what issues they had and how we could help them. We made an app with edutainment option to help people be more responsible with water consumption in their daily lives.

Simplified, the whole process looked like this: research –> data analysis –> finding a user –> looking for ways to solve the problem –> building the solution –> testing the solution.

4. Results

With our solution we were able to solve the problem in a not trivial way. Make people do something entertaining while they are subconsciously learning about global water scarcity problem and how they can prevent it.

We learned a lot about research for the UX as well as a bunch of useful online tools like Miro, Xtensio, Diagrams.net, Flowmapp.com, inVision.

One constraint that I noticed during the process was that the participants we had for the survey were mostly expats. And from the data we got it looked like expats were a bit more aware about the water scarcity problem than the local Norwegian public.

The final solution is available at https://aw14-17-semester-assignment.webflow.io