1. Brief

Task: Exam project at Noroff

Team: 1

Difficulty: 5/5

Grade: waiting for the results

As a man, I never knew before what kind of mental and physical difficulties women face before, during, and after giving a birth. In this task I had to learn it and help to solve the problem. One of the motivations for this task was my sister-in-law, who gave birth while I was still working on this assignment.

2. Challenge

The exam project at Noroff was rather complicated for me. Right when I had to decide to do it alone or in a team, Russia invaded my home-country an I became a volunteer (for details see About me section). Since now I had to deal with full-time job, part-time studies, and volunteering, I decided to do this task alone. That way I could find time when it was suitable for me to work on the task.

Finding time to study when Ukraine was heavily bombed by occupants and we were looking for all sorts of defence equipment for the military, was difficult. I still don’t really understand how I managed to work 25 hours a day.

3. Process

A lot of research. Since the task I was doing on my own, I had to go through a lot of information during the secondary and primary research. Would I be able to delegate it to someone else or share responsibility, I would gladly do so.

We learned our users. We understood what issues they had and how we could help them. We made an app with edutainment option to help people be more responsible with water consumption in their daily lives.

Nevertheless, just like in the book I went through all steps:

  1. Research
  2. Data Analysis
  3. Finding the user
  4. Brainstorming
  5. Finding the right solution
  6. Building the base for the solution
  7. Wireframing
  8. Testing
  9. Prototyping

4. Results

My solution was an app that help mothers to be social and talk with other young mothers about the problems, about depression and anxiety, how to handle the kids and more.

The app also has an option to listen to audio files to help with mental health. Ideally, it would be specifically designed programs by professionals.

Next to it option to read helpful articles about kids, young mothers, problems and solutions for them.

Thanks for this project I was able to advance my Adobe XD skills, which I have already used in my daily job.

The final solution is available at https://blokhin.no/noroff-exam-project/